They say it’s lonely at the top
Have you ever wished you had an experienced and wise source of business advice? Someone who always has YOUR best interest in mind? For my clients, that person is me. If you want 2021 to be your best year yet, who will help you define your strategy, create your plan, and hold you accountable to […]
Are you prepared if you need to rebound quickly to meet market demands?
The wrong people are a drag, while the right people get things done through teamwork. Have you been successful in attracting the right people in the past and were you able to retain them during the pandemic? Are you prepared if you need to rebound quickly to meet market demands? If you are not ready […]
If 2021 turns out to be a banner year, do you have the financial resources to make it happen?
If 2021 turns out to be a banner year, do you have the financial resources to make it happen? Do you have the working capital to hire more staff or buy more product? These are the questions my clients are ready to answer. Are you ready?
Will you be able to service the line of customers knocking at your door?
You’ve been successful in adapting your business operations to the “new normal” and pent up demand is there for the picking. But do you have a contingency plan to ramp up if the flood gates open and demand for your product or service is higher than expected?
What door offers great opportunities for your business in 2021?
And what are you waiting for? The last year has created new opportunities in almost every industry. As my dad used to say, “There is a new opportunity behind every door, you just have to open it.”
Which of your revenues have been most vunerable? What can you do about them?
Now is the time for small business owners to take action for a big rebound in 2021. In this first video in a series, Richard Kirby challenges owners to consider the first of six critical questions that will help them prepare.
Six Questions for Your Small Business Rebound in 2021
This is no joking matter. “Business as usual” ended in March, 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a once in a lifetime challenge for every small business in America. Some have starved, while others have thrived. It is estimated that 30% of all small businesses have been rendered inoperable by the pandemic, meaning they have […]
Big Challenges for Small Business Owners
Small business owners wear many hats and make many decisions each day. Most of these decisions are small and have minor impacts. Some decisions, however, are common to most small businesses and can hve far-reaching, fundamental impacts. As a starting point, let’s look at three fundamental challenges: The first big challenge facing most small business owners […]
How to Create Your Next Great Career Opportunity
A while back, I was approached by a successful thirty-something director level who was nearing his fourth year of employment in a multi-billion dollar Atlanta company. As is true of many high achievers who don’t want to settle for less than they deserve, he wanted to find a better, more challenging job in which he […]
The Small Business People Puzzle, Part 1
A recent post titled Big Challenges for Small Business Owners examined three important areas all successful small business owners must manage: people, finances, and time. In this and the following posts, let’s look deeper into each of the three topics. First, let’s tackle the trickiest of the three: people. For many business owners, people truly are […]
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